Our Family of Farmers

Hal and Nancy Johnson
in Davenport, WA
Hal is a 4th generation farmer, Nancy is 3rd generation Farm
Farm History
Great-Grandfather, Engel Johnson, left Norway to farm in American at Wilbur, WA. Grandfather, Lewis, took over next moving the farm operation to Mondovi. Father, Bob, continued the Johnson farms and incorporated farmland from 3rd generation lands of his wife's family (Juanita Kuchenbuch). Present Farmer, Hal Johnson continues this traditional occupation after he and his wife (Nancy Reinbold) left the education world to return to their roots. Now they partner with 2 other area farmers, Todd Carstens and Ryan Wiater, to achieve sustainable agriculture.
Why choose no-till farming?
No-till farming is not one-size-fits-all. Sometimes the learning curve has been steep as we determine what works best for our area. Both of us remember giant ditches that we stood in as children and broke axels in when we started driving wheat truck. With the no-till system, our fields are "softer/smoother/healthier", the erosion /ditches are fading memories. Passing the humus-rich soil to the generation of our grandchildren is truly what "sustainable agriculture" means to us.