Our Family of Farmers

Leroy and Joanne Druffel, with Allen
in Colton, WA
Our Great Grandfathers came to the Uniontown and Colton area in the 1870's. They homesteaded ground that is now being farmed by the 4th and 5th generations.
What are some of your goals
We believe beyond sustainability... Sustainability in agriculture is being able to use our resources without limiting their future potential. Our family farm aspires not just to maintain but to improve. We strive to be stronger than yesterday and persistently improve our farm and crops each succeeding tomorrow. Our goal is to be in sync with nature, produce high quality food and have fun doing it! We pledge to share our harvest and knowledge with those in need.
Farm History with Sustainable Agriculture
We began dabbling in sustainable agriculture in the 1980's. We were so impressed with the results that in 1998 we completely switched over to sustainable agriculture. We love the miracle of watching a plant grow and take great pleasure in knowing that our home grown wheat will become Shepherd's Grain flour. Not only is our wheat nutritious and tasty, but good for the environment as well. We are proud to be a part of Shepherd's Grain because we love the goals and values of the company.