Our Family of Farmers

Art and Sue Schultheis, Kyle & Kelsey
in Colton, WA
Farm History
My great-great-grandfather, Michael Schultheis homesteaded in the Colton, Washington area in 1874. I started working for my dad, Carroll, in 1983 after graduating with a degree in Ag Mechanics from Walla Walla Community College. In 1987, we formed a partnership and farmed together for 7 years. Dad retired in 1994. My wife, Sue & I formed a corporation, Diamond-S Farms, Inc. and have farmed the land that my parents and siblings own since that time.
Farm Future
My goal is to leave our farm and cropland in better shape than when I started farming. The transition to direct seed on our farm started in 1977, and we have been striving to improve each and every year. I would like to create a sustainable system that would allow a sixth generation to farm if they so desire.
Any stories about your transistion?
Since the transition to direct seed, the numbers of earthworms in our soils have increased. When searching for seed to confirm seeding depth when planting, you can always find earthworms. The crumble structure of the soils that we are farming is just tremendous.
Why Shepherd's Grain?
We are excited to become a part of Shepherd's Grain. To raise a quality product and know where it is being sold and used brings great pride.